Honduras - Netherlands BIT (2001)

Article 5

(1) The Contracting Parties shall guarantee that payments relating to an investment may be freely transferred, without delay, in a freely convertible currency. Such transfers include in particular though not exclusively:

a) profits, interests, dividends and other current income;

b) funds necessary

(i) for the acquisition of raw or auxiliary materials, semi-fabricated or finished products, or (ii) to replace capital assets in order to safeguard the continuity of an investment;

c) additional funds necessary for the development of an investment;

d) funds in repayment of loans;

e) royalties or fees;

f) incomes, salaries and other earnings of nationals of a Contracting Party that they have obtained in the territory of the other Contracting Party in relationship to the investments referred to in the present Agreement;

g) the proceeds of sale or liquidation of the investment;

h) payments arising under Article 7;

i) payments following the settlement of disputes.


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